Would you like to expand the fun of learning Japanese?
This project is a fun challenge that connects Japanese language learners around the world using social media and videos!
🎭 Express yourself with acting
🎵 Express through songs
🎬 Express with video techniques
Through videos, you can showcase your creativity and ideas while enjoying the process of learning Japanese!
Experience a new form of learning where you can feel the joy of creating, the joy of learning, and the joy of sharing.
オノマトペディア CHALLENGE
みんなで作る 『オノマトペ動画辞典』 Making everyone! "Onomatopedia"
All participants [Certificate presented]
楽しく日本語を使う=自分の学びになる。 You can learn by having fun using Japanese.
あなたの動画=みんなの学びになる。 Your videos will be a learning experience for all Japanese language learners.
Onomatopoeia” is the expression of sounds, voices, actions, etc., expressed in audio or written form.
“Wow” (baby’s cry), “sparkle”, “sticky” (when you sweat), etc.
動画で見てみよう 👇
Let's take a look at the video. 👇
動画ならすぐにわかる 👇
Watch the video and you'll understand right away! 👇
わたしのために、 みんなのために。 For me, for everyone. 👇👇👇
応募方法 How to apply
★Step 1. オノマトペの動画サンプルを観る。Watch a video sample of onomatopoeia.
★Step 2. Youtubeチャンネル登録する。Subscribe to Youtube channel. *任意 not required, but is appreciated.
★Step 3. オノマトペの動画を作る。Make a video of onomatopoeia.
◇作品内容 content: オノマトペをテーマにした動画 Video themed on onomatopoeia
◇参加条件 conditions: だれでも/レベル問わず Anyone/any level
*一人複数可 *Multiple applications per person possible
★Step 4. 動画ファイルをメールで送る。Send the video file by email ↓↓ オノマトペCHALLENGE事務局:
nposdgs★gmail.com ★を@に変更して送信してください/change ★ to @ before sending.