Would you like to expand the fun of learning Japanese?
This project is a fun challenge that connects Japanese language learners around the world using social media and videos!
🎭 Express yourself with acting
🎵 Express through songs
🎬 Express with video techniques
Through videos, you can showcase your creativity and ideas while enjoying the process of learning Japanese!
Experience a new way of learning that combines
the fun of creating with the excitement of learning.
オノマトペディア CHALLENGE
みんなで作ろう! 『オノマトペ動画辞典』
Making everyone! "Onomatopedia"
たのしく日本語を使う=自分の学びになる。 You can learn by having fun using Japanese.
あなたの動画=みんなの学びになる。 Your videos will be a learning experience for all Japanese language learners.