Onomatopoeia is a method of expressing sounds, voices, actions, and so on.
“Konkon (the sound of knocking on the door),” “Kokekokko (the sound of a chicken barking),” “Betobeto (when you sweat a lot),” etc.
そこで、SNSオノマトペ チャレンジ!
Onomatopoeia is difficult to understand even if you explain it in words.
So, SNS onomatopoeia challenge!
Titan who a senior Japanese learner and guest Japanese teacher Makino sensei will teach you how to challenge and onomatopoeia around you.
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価値や物価は、人・国・地域それぞれ。レッスン料は、学生でも気軽に参加できるように、「あとで決めて値(ね)」制にしました。価格は0$からok! 自由に決めてね!
Values and prices vary by person, country, and region. Therefore, we have set the tuition fee as a “set later” system so that even students can easily participate. Prices start from 0$! Decide freely!