On-Demand TV1


You can now access the various events and lessons that have been held at Zoom Live, this time on the RJapanese website.


Karate de にほんご NOW


You’re moving your body in karate, but before you know it, the Japanese language is in your head!

にほんご de せかい NOW


There’s sure to be something you “don’t know”! Japanese language learners from all over the world will teach you about the world today in “Nihongo”.

Behind the Story

国人の方をゲストに迎え、インドネシアのライフスタイルをおもしろく日本語でお話しします!プログラムに参加もできますよ。Please contact us!

The Indonesian RJ team will document their daily activities.
And we will have a foreigner as a guest to talk about the Indonesian lifestyle in interesting Japanese! You can also join the program.


Photos and videos of participants may be used in RJapanese publications. Please understand this in advance.